Linux OS Hardening Through DevSecOps
Here you will find a quick overview on how to harden a linux OS (in this case, Ubuntu 20.04) using the “DevSec Hardening Framework” based on CIS benchmark controls and Ansible.
Take some time to read up on what and Ansible have to offer below:
Setup & Hardening Steps
Install Dependencies & Ansible Galaxy DevSec Collection
sudo apt update && sudo apt install python3-pip openssh-server;
sudo pip3 install ansible==2.9.11;
sudo ansible-galaxy collection install devsec.hardening
Create Playbook
We need to create a playbook that uses the ansible galaxy collection previously installed. Let’s echo the simple playbook contents below to a yaml file, which includes both the “os_hardening” and “ssh_hardening” roles by
Now we can run the playbook in a “read only” mode using the “–check” option. Once ran, review the proposed changes/remediations to “harden” the OS.
echo "
- hosts: localhost
- devsec.hardening
- os_hardening
- ssh_hardening
" > harden.yml && sudo ansible-playbook harden.yml --check
Run Playbook and Apply Remediations
Now let’s run the playbook without the ‘–check’ option to remediate out of compliance configurations.
sudo ansible-playbook harden.yml
Hardening your linux OS and apps doesn’t stop here, but this is a good start to make sure that a predefined set of controls are deployed in a declarative way to your system.
Take this a step further and you can see how this could easily be used to automate base hardening of your linux OS at deployment time through infrastructure as code.